What is Self-Care?
I am on a journey to discover how to function best. This includes nearly every area of my life. Sure, it’s fun to do crazy things without a whole lot of thought, but mostly, it’s wise for me to be intentional in each decision that I make on behalf of my body. Self-care is one area that I’ve spent a decent amount of time on (without even realizing it) in the last several months.
What is self-care? Self-care is “NOT synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish” (Lawler). However, it is “taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, and you can do your job” (Lawler).
Check out more at https://www.everydayhealth.com/self-care/
Self-Care Focus Areas
For me, four of the biggest focus areas for self-care are: breathing, diet, posture and exercise, and sleep. Breathing is arguably the most important part of life. Without it, within 6 minutes, you’re dead. If breathing plays such a crucial role in existence, it certainly is an area deserving focus. Self-care in the form of breathing can mean regulating breathing, periods of deep breath, oxygen therapy treatments, or breathing exercises. Focus on breathing leads to relaxation and resetting the body’s systems.
Diet has been super beneficial for me as well. Since January of this year, I have removed, almost completely, nearly all processed sugars. I have used maple syrup, honey, or molasses as methods of sweetener, and I am overjoyed at the results. I feel good. I feel less nauseous and generally healthier. I love the recipes that I’ve found, honey sweetened carrot cake, maple syrup brownies, and more!
For the last two years, I have aggressively worked on correcting my posture! I’m grateful for a husband who notices when I slouch and works to remind me to better support the body that he loves! 😉 I realize that the vast majority of my shoulder slouch is due to upper shoulder pain, and together, he and I have worked to address that through workouts, stretches, and massages.
Finally, workouts are an exceptional method of self-care. I can’t always do extensive workouts, but even if I just get in a one minute plank, I feel ten times better! Especially in the morning, workouts are just the thing to get my blood pumping and heart rate up. It helps wake me up, feel better, and it even improves my mood.
What about you? What areas of taking care of yourself encourages and inspires you? What areas need some more focus from you on you? 🙂 Drop your thoughts in the comments below so that I can encourage you in your self-care journey! Feeling better really is worth it! And, we weren’t meant to ever live this life halfway. It’s our one life, let’s live it as long and healthy as we’re able! Life’s a gift.
Read more from me at The Glass Ceiling.
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