Consistency is Key

What is Consistency?

Consistency is key, sure. But what is consistency? The Merriam Webster Dictionary identifies consistency as “the degree of firmness, density, viscosity, or resistance to movement “. Consistency is also defined as “harmony of conduct with practice”

But really, what does that mean? Consistency is the process of choosing to say or do something and allowing actions to line up with that choice. What is done remains consistent with what is wished for. That consistency is key because it measures the harmony of your actions with your intentions.

Why Does Consistency Matter?

There’s a lot to be said about consistency and why it matters. However, simply put, consistency matters because you matter, and what you value matters because it makes up your contribution to your little part of this world. You must be consistent because YOU are worth it and the results you would like to see are worth fighting for. You must be consistent because what you stand for and value, the world needs.

How to Be Consistent:

Okay, so consistency is great and all, but if consistency is key, how do I implement it? I imagine that is the question that you have next. I imagine that because I have the same question almost every day.

As a mama of two littles, consistency is paramount to my day. They need my consistency as much as I need it. They need it to establish their routines, understand personal development and discipline, and they need consistency in order to appreciate the inconsistencies instead of getting shorted out by them.

As much as I preach “consistency” to myself, however, I struggle immensely to remember to enact it. What does it mean, practically, to implement such consistent thought and action each day, each hour, each minute. I understand it’s importance and value but how do I follow through?

I believe it boils down to mentality, perspective, and achievable, measurable goals.

Mentality, Perspective, and Goals:

First, you must understand the value of consistency. It’s vital to approach each day with the mindset that it’s important, it’s valuable, and it works. Second, consider that mindset until it becomes your perspective, and school yourself to perceive everything through that perspective.

Until consistency becomes second nature to you, inspire yourself to reconsider each aspect of your life through the lens of a consistent perspective. If you opt to go to the park during playtime today, consider its consistency. I do this by considering if playtime is a consistent part of my children’s day. It is, and thus, how can I consistently provide quality playtime for them? Sometimes, it’s by taking them to the park.

Consider your parental training in light of consistency. If you are ever inconsistent with your children’s training, they have learned that your word is based on your opinion, attitude, and anger management. “Come to Mama” only means to come if Mama is demanding or whiny. This lack of consistency teaches children that you don’t mean what you are saying. In other words, your intentions do not line up with your actions, and that lack of consistency erodes they’re respect for you.

Finally, as you begin to check everything through the lens of perspective and mindset, consider how to set achievable steps to meet your goal. For example, give yourself grace areas where you may be less rigid and more relaxed. Give yourself areas where you expect diligent consistency out of yourself and other areas where you may be more spontaneous. Consider what mountains to die on – then die on those and continue to climb on the others.

Comment the areas where you struggle in your consistency, how you intend to improve your mindset, and a few measurable focus areas combined with some grace areas! Let’s keep talking about this!

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