Love Language

If you’re at all like me, you’ve probably spent a decent amount of time thinking about your love language. It’s a big deal, learning how you receive and give love. Especially when you are in a relationship or considering beginning one, learning how you and your partner react to love is crucial. It strengthens the teamwork, communication methods, and ultimately helps you cultivate love.

There are all kinds of tests out there designed to assess ways that you best give and receive love. There’s millions of articles and some very helpful books created specifically to analyze what the five love languages are and how to identify your unique strengths and weaknesses within them. The book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, is just one such resource

Helpful Resource to Determining Your Love Language:

I have certainly worked hard to develop my self-awareness in order to understand the love languages that I seem to function in best. My efforts to identify my primary love languages are appreciated by my husband, but they often seem to be a pretty lousy identifier for what I’m actually trying to communicate.

That is, until I was asked a question this week that got me thinking! My sister, in one of our 1:00am conversations, this week asked me: “In the last week or two, when was an instance that you really felt loved?”. Wow! That question struck a chord. I knew she was getting at the “love languages” conversation. However, I never had heard it asked so clearly, and the answer stood staring me right in the face.

In time past, I probably would say that my love languages were physical touch and quality time. However, as I considered her question, I realized that my love language is words of affirmation. Now, I don’t mean to say that it’s things like compliments, although those are nice. What I’m looking for, in words of affirmation, is somebody to verbally identify that the core of who I am is valuable. It’s having somebody see me for who I am. It’s spectacular.

What are some lies that you’ve believed about love languages?

Now it’s your turn. What is your love language? What was your journey to discover that language? In the past week or two, what is one instance that has made you feel deeply valued? Drop it in the chat and keep pondering. Light bulb moments are the best!

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